Isle of Lewis Day Tour

Bosta Beach

Isle of Lewis Day Tour you visit the Arnol Blackhouse, the Carloway Broch, Callanish Stone Circle, Dalbeg and Bosta beach. Leaves at 09.30am from Stornoway. Photostops.
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Isle of Harris Day Tour

luskentyre beach

Harris Day Tour takes you to Tarbert, Luskentyre beach, the golden Road and St Clements Church. Leaves from Stornoway town centre every Monday to Saturday at 09.30am.     

Harris & Lewis Tour

Iron Age House Bosta Beach

Harris and Lewis tour includes the Arnol Blackhouse, Carloway Broch, Callanish, Luskentyre Beach, Golden Road and weaver demonstration.  Mon-Sat 9:00am

Peat Smoke29th November, 2019 - Winter weather is with us and the Northerly winds are chilling. Here is a picture taken from inside the Bosta Iron Age House on the Island of Bernera showing the peat smoke filled air. Imagine a family group of Iron age people huddled in their underground house, sheltering from the biteing wind, the only heat coming from the flames of a peat fire. For those of you that have never smelt the sweet aroma of peat smoke, a visit to the Isle of lewis will quickly sort that out, as peat is still cut on the Island.

Questions: Do people still cut peat?  Answer: Yes, peat is still cut all over the Island. Question: When do people cut peat?  Answer: Peat cutting starts usually around the 1st of May. Questions: Where can I see peat cutting?  Answer: Most areas of peat land or moorland near the roads will have peat banks where peat is cut. Questions: Where can I see a peat fire? Answer: The Love Hebrides Tour includes a visit to the Arnol Black house where you can sit by a peat fire. Questions: What is peat?   Answer: Peat is the decayed and compressed remains of moss, grasses and heather. Questions: Do people still burn peat?  Answer: Most people today have modern central heating systems, but there are many people throughout the Island that still burn peat.

Discover the Scottish Islands with Love Hebrides